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Reviews from Business and Military Leaders
Strategic Renaissance: Reviews from Business and Military Leaders

Strategic Renaissance is a thought-provoking work, combining science, philosophy, military and political history and business case studies into a detailed and readable primer on strategy."
Toronto Globe and Mail

"Strategic Renaissance draws on history and science and by doing so, adds exciting new intellectual capital to business thinking. Money will be made from these ideas and insights!"
T. Michael Nevens, Director, Electronics Practice, McKinsey and Co., San Jose

"What Dudik does, extremely well, is talk about strategy in the old world and develop this into a conversation about strategy in the new. That's corporate strategy and market strategy... Excellent food for the strategic brain."
Computing Magazine

"Strategic Renaissance was like a bugle call to this "old" soldier-awakened me to an extraordinary approach for developing corporate strategies. Evan Dudik's Hammer and Pivot model, based on a successful historical military battle formation, should resonate loudly with today's CEOs and their corporate planning groups-the "new" soldiers of business. This book is refreshing-its style makes it an easy and interesting ready for busy executives, but more importantly, it is an outstanding guide for cutting through the issues (and non-issues), challenges and perceptions facing executives in the battle for a relevant corporate strategy."
William C. Moore, Major General (ret.), U.S. Army. Former Director of Operations U.S. Army Staff., Washington, D.C.

"In today's inherently variable business environment, which ever more frequently upsets the expectations of business leaders, it was only a matter of time before someone found a way to blueprint the entrepreneurial approach to competitive strategy. Evan Dudik succeeds in doing just that with a profoundly original intellectual framework. His innovative concepts and techniques, from from being theoretical are presented with palpable creative energy in practical, real-life cases. This book is obviously aimed at the intelligent reader and is never dull. Dudik's clear and cogent writing, rich in idiom, often humorous, is an actual pleasure to read. What Michael Porter did for competitive strategy in the 70's and 80's, Evan Dudik is doing for the start of the new century."
Dmitry Bosky, Managing Partner, MITRA Private Equity, Ltd., London

"The first rule for any successful strategy is to think. Evan Dudik, in Strategic Renaissance, inspires the reader to do just that. This book is an imaginative almanac of great ideas!"
Thomas C. Shull, CEO, Meridian Ventures, Inc; Former Executive Vice President, RH Macy; White House Fellow. New York

"Strategic Renaissance is a must read for CEOs and others constructing strategies. Its practical and innovative approach makes it a standout as a strategy roadmap. The fundamental concepts of hammer, pivot, bearing, and hammerhead provide clarity for strategic formulation and communication. The book's creative and innovative tools for implementation will let you achieve breakthrough strategies. The 81 Do's and Don'ts on the Road to a Great Corporate Strategy are a godsend in themselves. "
J. Thomas Williams, President and CEO, Thomas Group. Dallas

"My years in New York, Moscow and Tel Aviv tell me that strategy is an art which works best when supported by science. Strategic Renaissance by Evan Dudik combines both in an intriguing and refreshing way. It's a hurricane of ideas and examples. I could not put the book down."
Vladimir Merson, Managing Director, Deutsche Bank. Moscow

"A must for anyone interested in morphing their organization to higher levels of performance-for any company needing a strategic renaissance!"
Ram Ramakrishnan, Vice President Strategy and Development, Square D Corporation. Chicago

"Strategic Renaissance provides a fresh approach to strategic thinking -- it challenges traditional concepts and provides a creative perspective to developing winning strategies and making them work. No executive should come to work without reading it."
Philip Fiske, Director of Corporate Development, Raytheon Company. Lexington, Massachusetts

"Evan Dudik's Strategic Renaissance shows how to make business a rigorous empirical science so that strategic practitioners can formulate experiments and learn by doing. In a world where experts are often wrong, Dudik helps executives to develop their own predictive skills."
Howard Stevenson, Professor, Entrepreneurial Management, Harvard Business School. Boston

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